Looking back / Look forward - Vacations

Vacation... is meant to be relaxing. But is it really?

I remembered as a kid, my dad would bring us for vacations during school holidays. He would drive us to the mountain roads or the beach or to a little town somewhere to try new food. I think I remember most of my vacation with my family, the places we went, the things that we did together, the challenges we had during the trips, mostly because of me.

Once I had a high fever on the day we were traveling. It was a long drive down south but in the wee hours of the morning, my parents had to bring me to the doctor's first. The doctor prescribed some fat pills to swallow and then we proceeded to our destination. I didn't like that trip that much because I had to swallow my medicine which I had a hard time swallowing. I ended up throwing up when my parents were not looking :D.

Then, whenever my dad drove us up a hill and down, I would end up puking. There was once, we were going through a roadblock after a mountain trip. The police officers were asking for my parents' IDs and checking on our car boot when suddenly, I puked onto one of the officer's shoes. He immediately let us off :D


In my teens, 20s and 30s, vacations and holidays excited me, especially when I got to travel for free to a few continents because of my job. And when digital cameras and smartphones came about, the joy of taking photos of anything and everything. I especially enjoyed vacations that I got to travel at leisure, no tour guides, no schedules hurrying us up like sheeps. Vacations that I get to choose what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it and how I wanted to do it and taking photos of beautiful nature in my own sweet time.

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Now, I am less keen to go for vacation. My job no longer requires me to travel and therefore, no more free travels. Plus, I dread unpacking and washing and all the hours of waiting or driving or flying. I prefer to stay home now. If we feel like traveling, all we have to do is turn on Youtube and find a place to go to :)

This is my entry to @wakeupkitty's Wettbewerb/Concurso "Looking Back/Look Forward 2.46".

The theme is:

Looking back / Look forward

This is also my entry to @olivia08's TAKE A PIC #28 - THEME: THE NATURE.


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