Lets Go Dream Cat Shopping

Its time to go to the pet store, it has turned into a hobby for me and my wife, two days in a row. My wife has wanted a cat for a very long time and she brings it up a lot, maybee too much.
The last place we rented the landlord had it in our lease that we were not aloud to have pets, he had a major vendetta against cats, I think thats why the previous tenant moved out, I think she secretly brought in hobo cats. Somehow we lasted 5 years at that place, I think the last three years we didn't move because of the coviads, my Grandpa was in the area and he needed someone to do grocery shopping for him. My wife and I didn't believe all the propaganda, so going to the grocery store wasn't a thing to worry about what so ever.
The place the wife and I lived at before that, there was a cat named Tiger, he was owned by the people we rented off of, but he hung out with us most of the time, he was a character, he totally tore apart the first christmas present I bought for my wife, it was a huge plush bear with a santa hat, we named him Santa Bear, I spent like 50 bucks on that bear, and that was before the crazy inflation, so it would probably be worth over two hundred dollars now, ahhh. Tiger was a lot of fun though, he would get really mad at me when I would spend too much time on the internet and he would start swipping at me and he had claws too, maybee next caturday I will find some old photos of him.
My wife never had a cat of her own, I think why she wants one so badly. I had one cat when I was young. The one day I was thinking to myself I really want a cat, than the next day a cat was knocking at our door, I was eleven when that occurred, I ask my Grandma, she was like my mom, she was the one that raised me, there is a cat knocking at the door I want to let him in, can we let him in?? My Grandma talked to the neighbours and found out that the cat was harmless, in fact the people at the Jenkens house would often let the cat in their house, we found out that that Hobo cat even had a name, so we didn't even have to pick a name, his name was boots! Now that cat could get get really crazy, I think that cat was the reason the acronym FAFO came from, just joking that was way before the common use of the internet was a thing. But that cat was nuts, he would chase foxes around the neighbourhood, he would always kill animals and bring them on our veranda, I think he thought he was earning his keep, I think he thought we were cooking up these animals he was catching.
One time he caught an owl, I thought owls were suppose to have extremely great eye sight, how is that possible??
Well lets go to Pet Smart to look for a cat, youtube keeps on putting on a suggestion video about how your cat manifested you, I keep on meaning to click on it, but I always keep on getting sidetrack, now that I remember to look it up I can't find it, so maybee the wife and I should manifest a cat ourself. So we we thinking of a cat named Miss Maggoo, last time we went to pet smart that cat caught our eyes, but this time she wouldn't even look at me, I got really pissed off, but the wife thought it was hilarious and she still wanted that cat, I was like wtf.
I was really impressed with this cat named Jalapeno, he was always cleaning himself and you know what that say cleanliness is next to godliness, he was with a cat name ghost, this cat was always sleeping, I think ghost and Jalapeno shouldn't be split up, Jalapeno seemed really close to Ghost, Jalapeno paws were always on ghost. And it costs one hundred and seventy dollar per car, sure its a good cause, the money goes towards petsmart charities, and it also helps the Sarnia Humane Society and the cats need a great home

But there was another cat named Flair, and this cat knew how to sell himself, he obsolutely loves to play and he wants to be the only cat in his home, which means who only would only have to pay one hundred and seventy dollars, instead of three houndre and forty dollars

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