Caturday on Sunday, and a Kitten Ying/Yang!

Hello there Friends, Happy Caturday / Sunday!
I am a day late, as usual these days!
But, I do wish to thank you for your visit and wish you an amazing start to the new week!

So after being told to take the Kittens, and then being told to bring them back (!?!), I have them again!
(This adventure taught me about people, not Cats...)
Here they are again, at my place!
This is the "Crew", Wilbur, Sparkles, Splash and Sapphire sleeping,

And on the Chair, sleeping again,

And this! Wilbur and Sparkles making a Cat "Ying/Yang"!
And this photo is the one I wanted to share the most!

Thank you once again for your visit!
Wishing you a very Amazing New Week!
Stay "Blessed, Happy, and Safe"!
Remember "The Father" in ALL THINGS!
He "Remembers You"!

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