Hi everyone! This is my CAT! Pickles, she just went a bit viral and its kind of weird for me and I am super surprised, as of now she got like 16k views and 1k likes.
As far as my blogging and vlogging experience goes, I am happy at least I got a nice video that has many likes.

This is it!

normally i post art videos and nice experiences on my Youtube but its not anything I want to be soooo popular or big, I know many cat videos are super popular but I just didnt think Pickles would get 16,788 and counting.

It all started when I noticed why my subscribers seem to go up and not until I flipped through my channel I noticed the big number.

ANYWAY! since I love Pickles Im sharing some of her other videos.


her big eyes just make it super cute!

OOOO heres jellybean tho hahaha

That's all!

I love animals and nature, I like videos of wildlife, now in quarantine we can't help but appreciate our companions at home humans and animals.

You have any cat videos? if yes please do share!

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