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Albus's First Christmas!

I was so proud of him! The tree was obviously a big draw, but he only knocked a few ornaments down, the tree stayed up! Not bad for an 11-month-old kitten!

But today was the big day. Boxes and bags and paper everywhere! #Albus, loves Christmas.


He dove headfirst into the ever growing pile of papers.


Only to lunge out in opportune sneak attacks! The papers kept coming! He retreated to the depths for a while only to re-emerge, ready for more action.


He played, and played and played until he tuckered himself out.


And took a kitty nap.


We left the pile until mid-afternoom, but his big, doggie brother Hiro had enough of the mess. He barked and woofed and moaned and groaned. Hiro has standards!

And big, doggie sister Ella was confused about where she was supposed to lay down, the pile was on the doggie bed!

So the papers were tossed except for two, just enough for a naughty little kitty boy to crash into and make a bunch of noise. 😉

Tonight he's back in his spot atop the sofa, dreaming of next Christmas and all the papers to come. ❤⛄🎄❤

Goodnight #steemit. Merry Christmas.
