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Grapthar's Hive o' Cats, Daily Photos! Caturday Photos of the Gang!

Once again, I didn't get a lot of photos, but I managed to get some great ones again. Unfortunately, Tiger only wound up with a single photo today; he spent the afternoon in a tunnel that was like, two inches from a wall. I got my camera into the gap and took a single decent photo, but since he refused to wake up, that was all I could do. Blaze and Cleo decided to help me make up for this, and allowed me to get some awesome shots of them, particularly Blaze and that first photo below.

Enjoy the photos!

Blaze looking really good.

Cleo in the windowsill again.

Tiger's only shot today... he refused to leave this tunnel, up against a wall, so this was the extent of good photos.

Blaze on the chair.

Cleo staring at birds and bugs.

Close-up Blaze.

Cleo really enjoying a new basket we bought to replace their cardboard boxes, haha. It was time to get rid of those old boxes, but the cats love having small spaces to sleep in, so a replacement was needed.

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