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Grapthar's Hive o' Cats, Daily Photos Middle of the Week Photo Dump!

Today was a good day for cat photos! I managed a whole bunch of portrait-mode shots, including some multiple combos, Blaze and Cleo, and Cleo and Tiger (actually a few shots of these two, which is a rare sighting). I also got a single group shot, though Cleo is BARELY visible...See if you can spot him... It was a bit of an overcast day, so I was a bit worried that the cats wouldn't be lit as well, but it wound up making for some awesome shots!

Enjoy the photos!

Tiger looking good.

Tiger and Cleo.

Blaze and Cleo.

Solo Cleo.

Tiger and Cleo waiting at the top of the stairs for their dinner.

Group shot! Can you see Cleo?

Blaze and Cleo, in a strange spot.

Cleo and Tiger, alternate shot.

Bird's eye view of Blaze 'n' Cleo.

Alternate shot of Cleo, solo.

Alternate shot of Cleo and Blaze.

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