Grapthar's Daily Cat Photos! Today's Featured Cat: Cleocatra!

So, Tiger was hiding ALL day, and I wasn't able to get any photos of him, but I got a bunch of Cleo, so I figured I would "feature" her today haha. I was able to get 1 good shot of Blaze, AND some of Kenji, so I guess it all worked out... although I will NOT fail in getting a picture of all of them tomorrow, it's my main objective now. Enjoy today's pictures!

Cleo looking regal in her throne.

Photo Apr 27, 16 42 09.jpg

Blaze in a bowl.

Photo Apr 27, 12 00 27.jpg

Cleo and Kenji, so close, yet so far away.

Photo Apr 27, 13 29 18.jpg

Can you find Blaze? He was hiding here most of the evening.

Photo Apr 27, 16 44 44.jpg

Cleo and Kenji trying to discuss business.

Photo Apr 27, 13 29 21.jpg

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