Short stories in English

 Many teachers incorporate independent reading into their curriculum. Ask a reading of excerpts from classical works or adapted versions of books, but much better for this purpose, suitable short stories , you can print and hand out to pupils that they would not buy the book as a whole. Because we all know that reading well-chosen interesting texts on English language is the most effective way of vocabulary learning. This is done in the following way: as a home task, the student receives small story in English , which he required several times to read, translate and comprehend. Some teachers give more and audiotext that allows addition of new words to memorize and even the correct pronunciation. After appropriate work with the story the student needs during class, be able to retell the plot of the work, answer questions and participate in discussing the contents of the read history.
Such work requires a huge number of short and most importantly, interesting texts in English. Many responsible teachers spend an incredible amount of time to find the appropriate criteria for short stories in the English language . Found works have everything else and approach the level of language proficiency, and of course as we noted earlier to generate interest in reading. As a result we have to view tens and thousands of articles, stories and books to gather a collection of interesting short texts to read.
On this page we will upload for download and online reading links to selected long-time, short texts in English for beginners and step-up the level. Thus, those who have mastered the language himself and wants to read interesting works on English, as well as teachers who are prepared to be able to quickly download small articles, stories, short stories in English without a lengthy search of material for classes and study.

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