Some Things Take Time to Fix

"It's a kid's toy. How hard can it be, Leon?"

"You want to find out? Come over here and try to figure out what needs replacing, and where to get it. After all, you're the one who took it out by the pool, Vera."

Vera sighed. "It's cute. I just wanted to show it to the Garden Society, before you sent it."

Leon groaned, and held his head in his hands. "Well now I can't send it. And I can't buy another one until after Christmas, unless I want to pay $1250 for a $75 toy. And that's IF I'm lucky enough to have the highest bid."

Vera paced the length of the living room several times, then stopped. "I said I'm sorry. What else do you want me to do?"

Leon looked up, the bags under his eyes making him look older than his late middle years. "You're right, Honey. I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do with... this."

Spread out before him was a disassembled electronic toy, as well as the screwdrivers required to reassemble it.

The soft, furry covering was placed to the side. It stared with an eyeless face at its once intact and animated body. The bottom hole which had once housed the realistic muzzle was now devoid of character.

Vera sat down beside him, and picked up the furry covering. "If you're sure you can't fix or replace it, the only thing we can do is find something Tina will like even more."

Leon barked out a rough laugh. "I don't think Angela and Paul would appreciate it if we had a pony delivered to the apartment on Christmas morning."

Vera smiled. "She's six. She's going to love whatever Grandma and Grandpa send her. I did at her age."

Leon stood. "She said My Living Snowball Teddy was the only thing she wanted. I didn't promise her, but I didn't say no either."

Vera put down the covering, and stood. "Has Tina ever seen Angela's rocking horse?"

He shook his head. "I never got a chance to take it down from the attic for her visits, and the ladder is still too steep for her."

She smiled widely. "Perfect! You bring it down, and I'll go to the toy store."

Leon frowned. "If we're sending her the rocking horse, why do you have to go to the toy store?"

Vera began to get ready. "I'm going to find a soft teddy to ride it with her. One that looks like this one if possible. I'll include a card around his neck saying that his brother Snowball will be joining him after Christmas."

Leon rushed over to hug her. "You're a genius, Honey. I just wish you'd thought of this fourteen hours ago," he laughed.

Vera laughed too. "Hey, some things take time to fix!"

Describe what you see:
I see a toy, disassembled and neatly laid out. There are also two screwdrivers.

Describe what you feel:
I feel like the toy was taken apart to be repaired. Perhaps it was accidentally damaged.

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Image source by @wakeupkitty

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