No Liars Allowed: Secrets Revealed

Several baby elephants were spraying water from their trunks, onto colorful deciduous tree leaves. Their happy trumpeting echoed across the savanna, as leaves began to float atop the soaked pavement.

Baby elephants weren't unusual in the Carrancarran Wildlife Refuge. Neither was the fact that they were playfully spraying water.

The thing which was most unusual was that the water was landing on the other side of what appeared to be a small portal. The air around the edges seemed to be shimmering, but other than that it was completely clear.

As amazing as the sight was, this wasn't the only thing the child was focused on. There were joyful voices, seeming to come from everywhere, and yet nowhere.

Ron slowly rose from his kneeling position beside the bus, and walked towards the group. "What are you?" he asked, barely above a whisper.

As if in reply the little elephants stopped spraying, and became serious. The smallest took a step towards him, and gently brushed its trunk over his face.

"Hey, that tickles!" Ron giggled.

Soon the trunk was gently wrapped around his shoulders, leading him towards the others.

"You're not from this world, are you?" Ron asked the largest one.

A few seconds later, he began to jump up and down. "Oh yes, I'd love to see it! When can we go?"

The elephant solemnly lowered its trunk without a sound.

"Oh, I know she wouldn't mind. But I'll call and ask tomorrow. Could we go after breakfast?"

As one, the group trumpeted loudly, and Ron laughed. "I can't wait to go pivarring, it sounds like so much fun!"

The bus driver leaned against the side of the bus. "Look at them. They met less than five minutes ago, and they act as if they grew up together."

An elderly man in a grey ranger's outfit strolled over. "Yep, it looks like those interviewers sure picked a good bunch. They might not be perfect, but they were brought up with good morals."

The driver nodded. "I'm glad the Smufferians agreed to share some of their knowledge with the human race. It's unfortunate that only kids can communicate with them, though.

The ranger chuckled. "Magic and kids just go together."

Describe what you see:
I see deciduous leaves on wet pavement.

Describe what you feel:
I feel like this is a wet fall day

Participation link
Image source by @wakeupkitt

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