sunny morning in the garden

Good morning,

The tempertures are rising looks like it's going to be a warm sunny day today.
before it's getting to hot quickly in to the garden and take some photos.

This tinny orangle flower we purchased last year and we saw 3 flowers today we already count + 20 flowers, and it seems to atract hungry insects.

Sony A7II + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG macro f2.8 Lens ( A-Mount )

like this Oedemera nobilis / false oil beetle / fraaie schijnboktor

Sony A7II + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG macro f2.8 Lens ( A-Mount )

Sony A7II + Sony LA-EA4 + Sigma 105mm DG macro f2.8 Lens ( A-Mount )

And if you want to get a closer look you need to switch to a different lens , one with 2.5 magnification for example .

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm Ultra macro lens f8

here you can actually count the pollen on his nose

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm Ultra macro lens f8

closer look to the campanula flower

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm Ultra macro lens f8

center of a phlox fllower

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm Ultra macro lens f8

Allium schoenoprasum / chives / bieslook

Sony A6000 + Panagor auto macro converter + Minolta MD Rokkor 50mm f1.7

Allium schoenoprasum / chives / bieslook

Sony A6000 + Panagor auto macro converter + Minolta MD Rokkor 50mm f1.7

early morning haircut

Sony A6000 + Panagor auto macro converter + Minolta MD Rokkor 50mm f1.7

campanula flower

Sony A6000 + Panagor auto macro converter + Minolta MD Rokkor 50mm f1.7


Sony A6000 + Panagor auto macro converter + Minolta MD Rokkor 50mm f1.7

different type of geranium

Sony A6000 + Panagor auto macro converter + Minolta MD Rokkor 50mm f1.7

Buttercup / Botterbloem

Sony A6000 + Panagor auto macro converter + Minolta MD Rokkor 50mm f1.7

That is all for today , i hope you liked the short garden tour.

All images created by me @stresskilller

Hope to see you soon on one of my Communities:

For all your macro photography @hive-15966

Tell us your story with 5 photos and 150 words @hive-14396

There is a contest going on if you are intrested #pink-essay :

Click the pink flower to get to the post that explains it all

Posted using Ecency Coin

You can find me on Ecency Discord

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