Why Does Leo Remind Me Of Splinterlands?

Story time with Jongo....

In late 2020, I started getting obsessed with Splinterlands. Which may seem like I was late to the party, because I'm pretty sure the game was launched in 2018. And I was there, on day one when it was known as 'Steem Monsters' but when it launched I didn't 'get it'.

Wow. I'm dating myself.

I've been on this blockchain for a long time lol

Anyways, for whatever reason, Splinterlands grabbed my attention during the 'pandemic'. We all had lots of time to sit behind the computer screens and for me, I started to dive back into the game. What attracted me to it, was the ownership of the assets, or the cards that you collected to do battle.

And without getting into the gameplay or entire game, basically the better cards you had, the more competitive you could be in the game. There were a few options to get 'better cards'...

You could buy packs and cross your fingers that you would reveal a 'Gold Foil Legendary' card, the best cards in the game.

Or you could buy them on the open market. I chose the latter. And back then, I was buying Yodin Zaku regular foils for 20 bucks each and got a GFL version for a few hundred bucks. Then came the summer of 2021....

SPS was revealed. And for the next calendar year, Splinterlands members would be getting air dropped SPS depending on the assets they held in their account. And Gold Foil Legendaries equaled a LOT of collection power.

Here's the kicker....This wasn't a secret, Splinterlands had announced for months before the start date that they would be air dropping these SPS tokens and your collection power directly resulted in the amount of SPS you would receive daily.

So Jongo did, what Jongo does....I bought a lot of GFL's...

I have no idea what the price of these are now, but back then I was buying GFL's at around $50-$100 each. Sure there was the odd one that I spent more on but this is the thing about this....Every time I bought one, I got minimum 50,000 collection power that would eventually turn in SPS in the air drop.

Everyone knew this. And up until a few weeks before SPS launched, the prices of these stayed low-ish. As soon as SPS launched though....Through the ROOF! Some of these cards were being sold for tens of thousands of dollars each, and it was directly related to the surge in NFT hype and the SPS air drop.

Again....Everyone knew about SPS.

Everyone has the opportunity to buy in cheap.

Now let's fast forward to the present day and why I compare this with what's going right here on @leofinance

What do we know?

We know.....

  • The Zealy campaign was a raging success

  • Threads is another LEVEL of awesome

  • Marketing for the project has been very effective

  • The community is thriving and engaged

  • The new UI is getting better and better each day

  • You have leaders and whales in $LEO that want the entire community to win

  • And oh yeah.....You have the LEO Ad revenue model coming.

Leo Ads are coming. We all know this. This isn't a secret. And from all accounts, we are very close to an official launch date. So again....We all KNOW this is coming. No secrets...

Reminds me of the GFL's just before SPS was air dropped....

@taskmaster4450le spoke about this on our latest Crypto Maniacs podcast. In it, he mentioned that things are going to nuclear for the price of $LEO once people start seeing those daily ad shares coming into their wallets.

The more $LEO you stake, the more revenue you share.

We. All. Know. This.

So maybe the Splinterlands example is a bad one, because as you guys know...I'm completely out of the game! But that was for other reasons and $LEO is very different to me. I just can't help but see the similarities to these two projects...

Both teams have clearly stated WHATS going to happen.....

Maybe it might be a good time to stack some $LEO

Of course, this isn't financial advice, just an example of what I'm doing. But then again, my Splinterlands collection was worth over $1 million at it's peak....Let's just say I sold for a WHOLE lot less than that lol

But what Splinterlands did for my love of gaming, I think LeoFinance is going to do it for my love of social media!

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