Uni Wheel - Hyundai's Revolutionary Wheel.

Hyundai has unveiled a new electric vehicle technology that could have a significant impact on the world of electric mobility. The idea called "Uni Wheel" is to use four small electric motors, instead of two larger ones, one motor at each wheel, connected by a short drive axle to the wheel. This solution allows you to significantly save space that can be used for passengers or luggage, or to increase the battery. This concept also allows you to control the drive of each wheel separately, which improves the traction and controllability of the car.

But the biggest revolution lies in the way torque is transmitted. It is not easy to describe how the drive from the engine is transmitted to the rotation of the wheel. You have to see it in the video. One thing is for sure, if it goes into production, we are in for quite a revolution.

Source: Hyundai Media Center.

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