This car is like driving a 20ft truck in downtown Bangladesh (Ft. random Panamera S)


A wealthy couple hired a chauffeur to get them home safely, to avoid running over 3 people by accident while being wasted from their epic party. Me, being in debt after promoting my last two posts on steemit, was forced to take the job and drive that night. Im actually going to fail my exams this semester, because steemit is distracting me too much.

Anyways, after 15 minutes of looking for a parking spot, my friend called me to tell me he was driving too that night, and that he was comming to the SAME spot. Rich people have small inner circles you know... just like the steemit whales on this platform who (mostly and unfortunatly) only upvote eachother and let the small tuna fish and crabs starve. Sorry about the whole sea species thing, lets get back to cars.

After we found each other, we checked some Netflix in the Range. Then we took the Panamera and went for an evening cruise to make everyone jalous. 5 hours later we really got bored, so we decided to join the client's party because they were too wasted to notice 2 suited up plebs with a tie.

This part of the blog is dedicated to car freaks like me, read this at your own risk


This time I was driving a Range Rover Sport, my buddy had an old Panamera S. In this blog I will only cover the Range.

This Range is a sport version and is therefore 15k more expensive, yes people I hope you understand by now that car makers thrive on the sales of sport editions. In total this particular car costed more than 100k when it was new. It has 340 Indian malnutritioned horses that get you eventually to 100km/h in 7.1 seconds. The horses stop performing at 209km/h (130mph). Yes you read that right lads, you pay half a house for a car that gets destroyed by a cute 25k Ford Focus ST and has a lower top speed than my granny's swimming pace.


Every car has an eye catching spec, look or something that defines the car, wich I call the X-factor. The X-factor of this thing is the way it makes you feel. You feel superior to the rest of the road because of the sheer size and drivers-height. Even a angry charging rhino will turn the other way around if you decide to ram it. Its just an intimidating mountain of car that is centered around the driver.


To be honest, you either love this thing or hate it, I never heard an opinion that is in between. Thats why I will try to be unbiased. A major problem is the price/performance ratio in my eyes. Another issue is that you have to be a master driver to maneuver and park this thing in crowed cities. On the other hand, it looks cool and drives like a majestic saloon on wheels. The best part about this car is that you never have to break for a spead bump. This is why this car still gets a solid 8/10.

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Rare footage of a professional driver struggling to park a car




Netflix n' no chill on my friend's giant 13 inch Ipad



Thats the random Panamera S that my buddy was driving that night for another client that went to the same destination as me. I previously posted this car on my blog.


Having a drink with my bud and the ugly ass rear of the Panamera


Panamera interior, just for the haters and the doubters that think I make random pics of cars on the street.


Insanly big tip (80euro, 100usd), I clearly did something right that evening. The sad part is that I invested it all right back into steemit, rip tip.


Be a nerdy critic and tell me what I could improve next blog, thanks x

Follow me for more spicy stories and shiny cars!

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