[Blog] Tyre Current Market


Majority of the people are looking for second hand/used tyres for their ride nowadays... Whether is a normal car or a luxury car, is all the same as the market is at a drop.

You will not believe people still actually will buy second tyre which barely has any thread left for their ride just so they can continue rolling on their daily drive.

Of course, this is dangerous + end of the year is approaching, which means rainy season is coming and worsen the situation. Safety no longer the priority as people barely afford the money to get some tyres.

That’s how bad the market is now at tyre industry for Malaysia. Be sure to drive safe and look out for cars as they may spin out due to aquaplane on wet road.

Hello Steem Blockchain,

I'm AaronLeang from the World's Third Largest Island, Borneo!

My Steemit journey started on the November 14th, 2017 and it has been a wonderful journey knowing lots of Steemians, running meet-ups and organising events!

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