Few more months to the next Loyal Service Award

In the year 2019, my current company honored me with the Loyal Service Award to celebrate my dedicated ten years of service. During the ceremony included, I was presented with a certificate stating '10 years of excellence' and an award plaque bearing the same caption.

Apart from receiving the certificate and award plaque, I was also given an AEON gift voucher worth MYR 200, which I found to be the most practical gift from the company (I can buy my groceries with the voucher 🤣🤣). In the same year, a total of five staff members were gifted with the same award

In just a few months, we'll be entering the year 2024, which also marks my 15th year of service. I can say that I am quite excited because there is a special award for reaching this milestone.

Honestly, I am hoping that they will once again reward me with the same AEON gift voucher as they did before. Furthermore, I am also hoping that the value of the gift voucher is increased to more than MYR 200

Throughout my time at the current company, I have encountered challenging moments that make me want to resign and seek other job opportunities. However, I hold that thought and fight my way through.

It is my kids that made me strong...

Lensadigital (2023)

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