Cardiff in the winter

Rode my bike into town today. I took the river path through the trees and fields to the castle and locked the bike at the front of the castle and went in and took a couple photos.


This first image is of a castle inside Cardiff castle. I didn't realise how big it was until I went inside. When I went to pay I found it more than I could pay so couldn't take any more pictures.


This image is of the outside and shows just one part of one wall. It's a big castle.


I went into the indoor market then for a sandwich and a cup of tea. Saw Elvis singing at the top of the steps.


Always liked Elvis.

Afterwards I went walking around town and sauntered into one of the arcades which Cardiff is famous for.


This one was empty today but usually it's full of people spilling out of the cafes.

At the end of one of the arcades I stared into a pub and saw this:


Two men talking over a pint of beer. Just a typical British pub scene.


This next one is a tobacconist that I passed and on looking in just had to take a photo. Not too clear as I need a better lens, but not too bad.


I took a lot of pictures but will only put these eleven up for today.

This one is of Cardiff library in the town centre.


I forgot to get crusty bread rolls so had to go back to the market and saw these two in there.


This last for today is of someone getting new shoes in a shoe shop. I took the image through the glass.


One last one in black and white of another Welsh pub...

black and white.jpg

Images are all mine


Here's an old post of mine about Cardiff...

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