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Is It Illegal to Drive With a Dog in Your Lap?

New Law Proposed Though the current Michigan law already allows a police officer to penalize drivers distracted by pets, the new legislation goes further: making it a civil infraction to drive with a dog in your lap. The fine proposed is $100. The current Michigan law as it stands doesn't make it a crime to drive with a pet on the lap, but if that driver is weaving, speeding or otherwise driving irresponsibly, they could be pulled over and cited. Michigan State Rep. LaTanya Garrett, who introduced the state's new bill, told the Detroit Free Press it's simply a matter of safety. Garrett, who is a dog owner and former first responder, said she knows how easily a dog gets excited, particularly if he hears sirens. Garrett said she thinks driving with an unrestrained pet is just as distracting — and therefore as dangerous — as driving while texting or applying makeup.Dog Driving Car-1920x800.jpg
