It's time for NEW and IMPROVED Bernies!

Due to excessive nagging by a certain curator I know, I will be attempting to give the new changes a chance.

My stake will now be used to manually curate and vote shit I like, plus I will be downvoting over rewarded garbage or whatever I see fit.

I won’t be spam posting and upvoting, and I will attempt to ignore the excessive trolls that seem to be obsessed with me, but that will be a case by case basis. The automated downvoting and commenting to the trolls was stopped days ago.

Flags will now be used on the real "abusers" (using other peoples definition this time).

Trying to turn a new leaf, or really just go back to what I did years ago - curate.

Edit: Removed the self-vote and updated my bot. Self-voting comments that are flagged and will try to vote any other flagged comments to keep them visible.

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