Canopy workshop for an industrial style

There are of course all kinds of canopy proposals: steel, wood, aluminum, black, white. I even found some in gold. In fact, it does not matter as long as there are windows to let the light through. This is the first benefit of this type of partition: let the light circulate in the rooms while demarcating spaces.
To be honest, right now at the "house", it speaks glass. Because already seen or not, we decided to put a canopy workshop to demarcate the kitchen in our future home.
In the meantime, I search, I inspire, I cringe ... I also learn and I give you the thread of my thinking.

The first question to ask is why do you want a canopy workshop?

Because you want to. Like us, I imagine that when you want to, this desire responds to a need: merge a room while demarcating it, allow light into a dark room, isolate a phonographically space. The one thing not to forget is the issue of the load-bearing walls , a detail, isn’t it, but very important. In short, if you have a doubt, call on a professional, manufacturer, bricklayer or an interior designer who will also help you to solve the issues of ducts, drilling of walls, flatness of the ground.
After which comes the question about the type of canopy you desire. Today, there are plenty of solutions in terms of materials, shapes, and suppliers.

The canopy workshop, an industrial style

Originally, the glass canopy workshop with single-glazed stainless steel is not really "insulating", but it doesn’t matter, since it was made for factories. It is also used to demarcate spaces in the workshops. With the fashion of "lofts", we happily adopted and imported it into our interiors. Workshop partitions are an essential part of many interior design projects, especially when it comes to renovation.
The question now is: do I want this extravagant look?
For me, it's not a big problem, because everything depends on the rest of the decoration. Today, we can choose the less connoted wood version. They can also be painted in white or any other color to soften the raw side of the steel. The windows are polished in a modern style with simple glass walls like verandas, but there, we are not really in the spirit of "glass workshop".

The great difficulty of installing a glass roof workshop

If you're a do-it-yourselfer, you'll have to go your own way. If you are in "beginner" mode, the installation of a workshop canopy is not as simple as the "workshop canopy" kits sold by DIY (Do-It-Yourself) stores. The difficulty that can be encountered is having right angles to the four corners and flat surfaces on the floor and ceiling.
So, are you convinced by the glass workshops? Do you have one installed in your home? How did that happen? Who did you use? Do not hesitate to share. I am curious and I am sure other readers are too.

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