If Democrats Win in 2020, Cannabis Could be Federally Legalized by 2021


As 2020 goes in the history books as a wild and tempestuous time period, cannabis could be fully Federally legalized in 2021 if the tide turns. The 2020 election season could be the deciding factor for the legalization of cannabis, and it is essential that you vote your mind and ethics this year in November.

The major stopping block for the legalization of cannabis in the United States is the Republican controlled Senate. The Congress House of Representatives is Democratically controlled, and major legislation including the MORE Act, which could effectively and comprehensively legalize cannabis in the United States will not pass in a conservative Senate.

The disruption sown by the COVID-19 Pandemic could be enough to help Joe Biden win, and pass the MORE Act. The impasse in states passing cannabis legalization bills, including Cuomo in 2020 has largely been due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Cuomo said he aimed to legalize cannabis in New York in 2020, but the massive sweeping terror of the outbreak put this on the back burner. Vote in 2020, and the issue could move.

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