Cannabis is a plant producing fiber, but is known for its narcotic substances in its seeds, tetrahydrokanabinol (THC, tetra-hydro-cannabinol) that can make the wearer euphoria or prolonged pleasure for no reason. Speaking on marijuana issue, Aceh-Indonesia Province is the country with the highest number of cannabis plants in the world compared to other countries such as Columbia, China, Brazil, Iran, Mexico and Italy.

Cannabis plants can be found in almost every tropical country, even some of the cold climates have started to cultivate it in the greenhouse legally. But in Indonesia, cannabis plants are cultivated illegally, especially in Aceh Province. Usually cannabis plants planted at the beginning of the rainy season, and before drought cannabis plants can be harvested. The harvest of cannabis in the form of leaves, twigs, flowers, and fruit in the form of small seeds. Mixture of leaves, twigs, flowers, and seeds that have been dried is commonly rolled into cigarettes to be sucked. In ancient times before there was a strict prohibition against the planting of marijuana, in the province of Aceh, marijuana leaves are usually used as vegetable or spice components for cooking and commonly served.

Cannabis plants also have a number of health benefits, which we may rarely know about. We know that, using marijuana to excess with non-medical use will lead to health problems for ourselves, ranging from lack of sperm quality, excessive anxiety, low blood pressure. But the cannabis plant has a positive side or health benefits, such as: it can kill some cancer cells, prevent seizures due to epilepsy, prevent eye disease from glaucoma, and can increase lung capacity.

Quite so many discussions of cannabis plants from me, hopefully this paper can be useful for all of us, if there are mistakes and mistakes in this writing please forgive. See you later, thank you.

North Aceh, May 15, 2018
Regards @sanu

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