New Guy Wanting To Be Part Of A Community!

~Splendide jour tout le monde!

Today, I'm starting on this plateforme and I'm not quite sure which community I want to focus on. I have lots of interests in many spheres and subjects. 
From Cannabis which is my favorite, to health and gym which are big passions too. I'm also interested into electronics and new tech, cars, real estate and business in general.

I'm a French Canadian from Quebec City now living in Montreal looking for a way to get financially free and living the dream without any compromises! I'm ambitious and I'm also a big dreamer, but with 24 years old in 2020, I know that anything is possible!
My profile picture proves it by simply be myself on this new year's eve at Cuba without any money but hey! you never know what life has got for you! ( I would've add the picture to the texte but didn't find how #firstpostprobs ) I don't want to be egocentric, it's for those who wants to learn more about me.  ^^'


Should I get a foot into every things that I said upper?  If not. Which one should I prioritize and why?
Thanks a lot for the comments and don't be shy to tag people you know from those interests of me!

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