Scientific studies have demonstrated; these are the main benefits of cannabis oil

Cannabis oil is the latest trend in the field of wellness and natural treatments, being a 100% natural product obtained by cold pressing cannabis seeds and found in herbal stores.coldpressextraction.jpg

This type of oil is intensively studied by scientists due to a compound of its chemical structure, which has miraculous properties on the body. This is cannabidiol, also known as the abbreviated CBD.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is an organic compound found in the cannabis plant, known in our country as hemp. This compound does not alter consciousness and does not affect the central nervous system.

Due to cannabidiol-rich content, cannabis oil has gained tremendous popularity over the past few years as it does not contain THC and has shown promising potential as adjunctive treatment for several types of disease, some of which are considered untreatable.

What scientifically proven benefits do cannabis oil for health?

  1. Improves chronic pain and improves sleep quality

There is more and more evidence that cannabis oil can be effective in relieving intense pain. It also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which is why it is often used by cancer patients who make chemotherapy.

A Canadian study published in 2010 shows that cannabis oil can be used successfully in relieving chronic pain. It was performed on 23 adult subjects suffering from pain following trauma or surgery. Over the course of 2 weeks, some of them were randomly selected to receive cannabis oil with 4 different potency levels. The results have led to the conclusion that, when given three times a day, cannabis oil can significantly improve pain, improving sleep quality at the same time.

  1. It has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular diseases

Cannabis oil contains antioxidants that can have a beneficial effect in cardiac affections.

Several animal studies have shown that cannabis oil can prevent certain diseases and cardiovascular diseases, such as arteriosclerosis or infarction.

A team of British researchers has discovered that cannabis oil can cause blood vessels to dilate and allow better blood circulation while balancing blood pressure.

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety

A study published in 2013 revealed that cannabis oil can help control emotional responses to stress, trauma and anxiety. According to the researchers, cannabidiol may have a positive influence on the receptors of the hippocampal stress, the part of the brain responsible for the emotional response.

A more recent study, published in 2015, has led to the conclusion that cannabis oil therapies can be effective in reducing stress and anxiety in the case of militants who suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

  1. Can fight or ameliorate cancer

One of the ruthless diseases of the century we live in can be treated with cannabis oil. The effects of CBD on cancer patients have been monitored and analyzed in several clinical trials, finding that cannabis oil combats tumor growth, prevents the development of cancer cells in cervical, colon, breast, prostate, , with notable results in leukemia.

Cannabis oil seems to have a triple effect on cancer:

  • stops spreading it;

  • "kills" cancer cells and tumors;

  • relieves pain.

Although not yet approved as an official remedy in traditional medicine, more and more studies provide evidence that cannabis oil can have particularly beneficial effects on the healing process in cancer patients.

If you want to buy cannabis oil and enjoy its miraculous properties, enter the CBDLife site, where you will find the purest oil on the market with concentrations ranging from 5% to 60%.1-184.jpg

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