My successful pink kush clone! Free the weed!

After a few weeks of experimenting, I've cloned my pink kush females, without using anything but a blade and water! Here's a picture of my first survivor under this method.

pink kush clone survivor.JPG

Notice healthy new growth up top, and smaller leaves that had been "frozen" are now finishing their growth. Cool! :)

clone closeup.JPG

There are genetic considerations to cloning cannabis plants (for example, you can't take a clone of a clone of a clone etc etc forever), but it's a valuable method experienced gardeners can add to their toolbox.

Since I'm not able to get any more of these "black market" (free market) seeds, I'm keeping a couple clones so I can enjoy the same medicine at least once more. :)

Cannabis vs. Caffeine

Cannabis is safer and less addictive than caffeine. Cannabis has many known medical uses, and more researching being done. Caffeine kills people all the time.

Here in Canada, anyone can buy caffeine, even little kids - including bottles of caffeine pills, "big gulp" colas, laced candy bars, and energy drinks. There's ZERO caffeine prohibition even though less than $20 will buy you enough to kill yourself.

Cannabis remains incredibly prohibited, especially compared to caffeine. It's becoming "legalized" in October, but only a few government-licensed people get to grow and sell it. And only certain people get to buy it and use it. There are new provincial police tasked with attacking dispensaries, farmers markets, and private gardens. Billions of taxpayer resources being poured into enforcement and prisons. Price fixing. Warrantless searches and seizures. An erosion of the things that have made Canada Canada.

There would rightfully be outrage if caffeine (or even cigarettes and alcohol) were treated this way.

As an experienced gardener, researcher, therapist, medical professional, and patient - cannabis should NOT be treated the way it is being treated under supposed "legalization". A criminal corporate monopoly is being bought and constructed for the rich and powerful to profit off a plant at the expense of the people and the free market.

#endcannabisprohibition #endcannabislegalization #freetheweed #noprisonforplants

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