Cannabis "Legalization" in Canada is Prohibition 2.0 and We are Becoming LESS Free

Canada's C45 and C46 ("cannabis legalization") amount to Prohibition 2.0 - a new and improved version of cannabis prohibition. There are more supposed cannabis crimes, and much harsher punishments for them, than ever before.

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If "cannabis prohibition is the most glaring evidence that we aren't free", as many activists including myself have been saying for many years, then cannabis legalization is the most glaring evidence that we're getting even LESS free!

But the mainstream is SILENT

The only mainstream coverage of legalization you will see is stock images of young people smoking oversized joints (taken from 4/20 in past years), and stuffy old people in suits saying absolute nonsense. Maybe a few jokes about Doritos.

Stay tuned here for more real info, straight from the streets and dab lounges of Vancouver B.C.!

PS: Also see Want to help us undo government propaganda lies about cannabis?

#legalizationisalie #endcannabisprohibition #noprisonforpot


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