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JayJay 9 weeks old

Ok second blog for our little big friend JayJay,

he gained some pounds and now weights 11.7 kg not bad for a 9weeks old puppy :-)


Cane Corso been place on the "highrisk dogslist" and might become forbidden here in The Netherlands. I hope these laws dont get trough, otherwise this will be our last Cane we'll ever have :-(

Our last Cane was super playfull and sweet, and we want to make sure this badboy will be a cutypie aswell.

We have done some training already like the basic "sit, come and stay" commands... and he is doing well, but growing takes much of his energy so he still sleeps a lot, looking like this;

well, hope you will follow JayJay in his first weeks, maybe we have some tips, or you have some tips to share with us?
feel free... hope this will become a fun and informative blog :-) take care and till next week....
