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BlackRock is the actual hegemonic power controlling the US dollar, almost all public corporations, and likely China, Russia, and the WEF as well. Larry Fink, it's Machiavellian leader, controls more than $10T - double the economy of Germany. While the power of government appears on paper to be superior to that of private parties running such fortunes, the fact is that government is actually comprised of persons that are all too interested in their personal enrichment, and quite happy to use their pretense of authority to gain the financial encomiums Fink and his ilk can provide behind the scenes.

It's utterly apparent that BlackRock employees, like corporate drones in every powerful industry, switch back and forth between positions in private industry and government service, enabling them to implement public policies that trade the rights and treasure of people government is implemented to secure for investor profits and the political power of Fink and his ilk.

The debt based monetary system did not arise with the petrodollar, but has gradually been incrementally imposed on every government in the world, and all people, slowly sacrificing their freedom and individual fortunes to the banksters that pull the strings of corruption behind the scenes everywhere and always. As long as centralization of collective production enables parasitism of our wealth, vile parasites will prosper.

This is why decentralization and bespoke local production that eliminates parasitic losses is the advent of the coming paradise that has long been prophesied. Larry Fink and BlackRock are the worst of the parasites, and will be most deprived of wealth and power when we adopt the means of production suitable to our personal circumstances to make the goods and services we need that evil powers cannot steal.

Unimaginable prosperity and freedom are coming. I am here to reveal the good news. The troubles evil men will bring on us for freeing ourselves from their oppression will soon be over, and will make the coming of paradise all the sweeter.

The day is coming when nothing will be more valuable than our good company, which will become ever scarcer as we spread across the infinite heavens, and those that sacrifice good people for dirty money will gnash their teeth in regret. Most E. Asian scholars have no understanding of what is coming, knowing only what has happened in the past.

A new day is dawning.