Cancer Patient Says Cannabis Oil And A Sugar-Free Diet Saved Her

Cassandra Jordan was diagnosed with incurable tumors throughout her brain and had allegedly been told that those tumors were inoperable. She was a terminally ill cancer patient who opted to use natural substances to try and find healing in a desperate attempt to extend her life.

Jordan now claims that she was able to find remedy through cannabis oil and a sugar-free diet that she admits helped her to drastically improve her health.

Jordan began cutting back on sugar and had started taking cannabis oil in conjunction with her chemotherapy treatment.

CT scans soon revealed that the cancer in her brain was gone and the tumors were shrinking.

Jordan was determined to do whatever it took to try and fight back against the disease and she is convinced that it was the diet and cannabis oil combination that helped to turn things around and save her life. She admits that the doctors allegedly told her that this sort of recovery was extremely rare.

The chemotherapy that I have had doesn't target brain tumors so as far as I'm concerned there can't be any other explanation.... There are no words; it's fantastic, it's amazing, it was so incredible to get my scan results." - Jordan

Jordan is still determined to continue fighting for wellness and she's also now an advocate for cannabis, hoping that in the future more patients will be able to have access to cannabis oil and won't be at risk for it. Jordan is still convinced, despite the disbelief from critics, that the cannabis oil and diet drastically helped to turn things around. Although, she's still careful to suggest this path for others:

"I would never advocate using just cannabis oil and not following the treatment programme prescribed by the doctors, but patients should be able to access medicinal cannabis in a safe way." - Jordan

A Go Fund Me page was established for Jordan several months ago and it's seeking to raise funds to help her pursue further treatment.

Researchers have previously linked sugar with cancer growth and it's been increasingly suggested that changing the diet to cut back on sugar might help to starve cancerous cells. Though critics and numerous health experts note that there is more to the problem than simply what might feed cancer cells and they argue that changing the diet alone to reduce sugar hasn't been proven to be an effective treatment method.

There have also been similar recovery stories involving cannabis oil as well, with patients of various ages claiming to have seen dramatic remedy after they used cannabis oil to treat a myriad of symptoms or health issues. As legalization efforts continue to expand it will be interesting to observe the scientific discoveries that take place, we'll be able to better understand how cannabis has the potential to benefit the human body. Despite the many critics out there who still insist that there is no medicinal value to be reaped from cannabis, the truth is that this plant is continuing to change lives and improving the quality of life for many worldwide.

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The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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