Hello steem it

My name is Amy and my boyfriend is John. We are learning steem it as we go !
Its not easy but its alot of fun. We both love the outdoors
Fishing has become are getaway from everyday problems. John and I are taking care of his sick mother she was diagnosed with 4 th stage lung cancer it is very sad too see a loved one go through this. I work in the healthcare field over 20 years but its very different when its your own family member going through it. Any advice is welcomed. We are trying too take care of her at home but it is becoming mor difficult too figure all this out but we are determined too give her the best life possible. Financially and physically exhausting and I guess thats why iam writing this post too see if other people are going through this as well ? As I said any any advice is welcomed. Cancer Sucks :( received_1905701623078389.jpegIMG_20150913_094431.jpg

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