The cry for justice in Canada.


In May 2016, the Liberals held a $1,500 cash-for-access fundraiser at a wealthy Chinese-Canadian business executive's mansion. In attendance was Chinese businessman Zhang Bin. This guy donated 1 million to the Trudeau foundation. And not long after the event, Bin is an adviser to the Chinese government and a state network which promotes Chinese interests around the world. Another interesting character there was insurance wizard Shenglin Xian, who founded Wealth One Bank of Canada. Who just so happened to be waiting on approval from federal bank regulators for his Schedule 1 bank to start opening. Not long after this meeting they opened in a multiple cities in Canada


You could say that's nothing new. But it goes against everything the Prime Minister had said during his election campaign. He said , "There should be no preferential access to government, or appearance of preferential access, accorded to individuals or organizations because they have made financial contributions to politicians and political parties."
The liberals shot down a motion from Conservatives, that was even supported by the NDP, to transfer the Liberals ethics rules on lobbying and fundraising to the ethics commissioner, Mary Dawson. The motion was to prevent potential conflicts of interest in government and stop cash-for-access events in Canadian politics, and upholding Trudeau's promises of a transparent government all at the same time.


Aga Khan should be the last straw for tax payers, you'd think. No? Maybe the infrastructure bank? The defence minister stories? The BC premier flights? Ontario's hydro? Maybe the finance minister scandals? The biased Speaker of the House of Commons? Or the new, hand chosen, ethics commissioner? The list can go on..


This party's corrupt, plain and simple. There's nothing anyone can do about it in office. No opposition. No accountability. No punishment for anything done. I'm sick of it, are you??

The link above will take you to a petition addressed to The Govenor General. They're the only one that can hold this guy accountable and possibly start showing these politicians that we're aware and fed up. It's not the solution to the overall problem. But, it's a start.

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