More Reasons You DON'T Want to Live in Canada

Have you ever been so mad, you want to kill yourself to slow down your heart for a minute?

Thats pretty much the feel I have for Canada.

Insurance premiums are going up due to crime surges that are only going to increase now due to the poor decisions made by many governments, not just Canada's to lockdown their economies at the recommendation of the W.H.O. who honestly hasn't demonstrated much leadership.

There is no solution for the loss or damages you loose when your home or business is stolen from. The premiums just go up and you and other honest people who pay their dues just end up picking up the dead weight of all the degenerate criminals who steal for a living here.

Go look at break and enter stats at the end of October in Canada... When the snow comes, so do the depraved homeless who didn't take the time to look into the income support us honest people are paying for as well...

What a joke this country is, don't listen to the rumors, Canada is going to be the 3rd world leader of the 3rd century.

Fuck you and everything you are, nationalist slaves.

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