Congratulations, dreamer, you’ve been Reset.


Justin Trudeau is accomplishing the destruction of Canada as he was meant to do. He and Joe Biden and the Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand are just about as autonomous as robots. The consoles that operate them are elsewhere, in Brussels and/or Geneva, the headquarters of GAVI. The “Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization” has been rebranded but it is still the central command of what amounts to a global network of media and political control headed by a former blood-soaked dictator and terrorist with no medical degree and complete immunity from Swiss laws. This is what GAVI essentially is. This reminds me of the “private Intelligence network” also run from Geneva by Allan Dulles between 1945 and 1947 which essentially became the core of the new Central Intelligence Agency in 1947. GAVI and the WHO are networks of global political and media control, remarkably similar to the CIA.

Justin Trudeau, PM of Canada, a man who has declared that Sharia Law is compatible with Canadian values, announced his intention to use a billion dollars of our tax money to turn Canada into an open air prison by funding Vaccine Passport rollouts in all the provinces as well as establishing a federal V-pass. He was greased into re-election on September 20, giving this plan the go ahead just as similar regimes enacted by the other robot window dummies were finagled into permanent office in Australia and New Zealand.

Sharia law is completely compatible with the new Trudeau Canada. We’ve had Human Rights Tribunals busily destroying human rights and burying our poor weak Charter of Rights and Freedoms in drumhead arbitrary judgements for years now. Women are being assigned to a legalistic limbo with no protection for any women-only spaces now that men can declare themselves to be women, compete in women’s and girls’ sports and enter women’s washrooms and even male rapists can get themselves transferred to women’s prisons. Now we’ll all be masked for the duration of Covid, a duration that will never end; what with the growing popularity of black masks we’ll even look like a Sharia Law country.

BC is already attempting to Gestapo-ize the province with a V-pass. Will little martinets demand our papers to board the ferry to Vancouver Island? Any government outlet or service which is arbitrarily deemed non-essential will be demanding my V-pass? If so I guess I’ll not be patronizing the government liquor store. If the private liquor stores knuckle under and demand my papers to enter and spend my money, my liver will thank me for becoming sober for life. It looks like I’ll never see my family members on Vancouver Island as long as I live if it really will take a Proof of Compliance to travel. Potentially, I don’t have the human right to freedom of movement that I foolishly thought our Charter of Rights and Freedoms and our laws and our courts guaranteed to me. Not in Justin-World.

Unlike laws which are accessible to all, being enacted by our legislatures and written down in the Criminal Code of Canada, “Covid rules” can be and are changed at the whim of Premiers and Prime Ministers in obedience to their superiors, the Public Health Officers who are themselves under the orders of Anthony Fauci who is himself a functionary of the WHO and GAVI.

I do have a bit of acquaintance (not in handcuffs, thank God and sheer chance) with the way Canada works and I can tell foreigners, especially my American friends, that we up here do not have a Bill of Rights, a Fifth Amendment or a Constitutional guarantee of rights. We don’t even have Habeas Corpus up here, not if our political and bureaucratic bosses want to ignore it. Sure, we have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms but the last year and a half have made it obvious that this Charter is worthless if Premiers or Prime Ministers order the police to zero in on any one of us.

I knew the potential was there for this lawless arbitrary police state “governance”. I have watched the development of this potential for years. In Canada we have a political system much closer to the British model. But unlike that model we also have a federal system, we have Provinces (but only 9 of them) and a federal government. That makes our Premiers the undisputed bosses of very considerable chunks of our nation. We have Parliaments in which our top leaders, prime ministers and premiers of our 9 provinces, are members of the legislature, not separated from the legislature by any check or balance. This means inevitably that when a governing party has control of a parliamentary majority the Office of the Premier, and federally the Office of the Prime Minister, has what practically amounts to dictatorial power if the Premier or the Prime Minister wants to push the issue.

I watched as our last Prime Minister, Steven Harper, became the first and only Prime Minister since 1867 to be censured by the House of Commons. He should have resigned and called an election. But there was and is no constitutionally mandated body in our system of government which had the power in law to make him resign. The Governor General, appointed by the PM, had no power at all to make him resign. The so-called Opposition parties of the House of Commons had no power and no guts to co-operate against him. Our Senate has no power, being composed of Senators appointed by our Prime Ministers, leaders who have the potential to rule Canada for decades. So the Prime Minister’s Office (and the Office of every Premier of our provinces is the same), composed of appointees who don’t even have to be citizens of our country, is the unopposed executive dictator of our country.

By refusing to resign, Stephen Harper demonstrated to all of Canada that the House of Commons is too fragmented to present any real obstacle to this absolute power. I knew what a historical fork in the road that was; I have my copies of the letters I sent to politicians and Senators at the time. Now here we are 8 short years later. The Prime Minister of this paper democracy is imprisoning our innocent citizens in secret hotels on the pretext of a forced medical test known to be completely bogus (which is in itself an illegal act according to the Nuremberg Code which is the law of this land). And Premier Jason Kenny of Alberta is also demonstrating how this country has become no different from Communist East Germany as it was fifty years ago.

When police are enforcing, not laws on the books, but rules arbitrarily dictated and changing at the whim of dictators what we are seeing here is evil. That sounds like an antique Biblical word and it is. But there’s no other word that really fits. Some people won’t believe in evil until the jackboots are kicking in their front door.

But the more we see disgraceful displays like police arresting a pastor and putting him before a judge who can sentence him to six years in prison though he has hurt no one and broken no laws? Or the shameful display of police arresting and cuffing and hauling away a pregnant young mother in front of her crying little children because some officious little manager of an arena was not presented with a “proof of Covid vaccination” and gloried in the delicious power he somehow has been given to call down armed police to treat this innocent and harmless young mother like a terrorist? The more we see these disgraceful spectacles the more we are waking up to reality.

It’s no tequila sunrise, this coldest of cold-sober wakeups.
This current ongoing legal and constitutional crisis imposed by the global campaign of the World Health Organization to impose a global dictatorship has laid bare the fatal weakness of Parliamentary democracies. The potential for Canada, Australia and New Zealand to be transformed almost overnight into a police state has been revealed. In our countries democracy has failed.

The long established custom among our people of obeying the law has now been used to destroy the law by precedent while most of us have no idea what has happened. Because of the weakness of parliamentary systems, because of the absolute nature of parliamentary democracy, the people of our countries are stripped of the power to resist by the normal means of “voting the bastards out.” All that is needed to nullify the power of the vote is for the leader of the party in power in Parliament to arrange a solid parliamentary majority and dictatorship, under the frail cloak of democracy, can last for decades. Our leaders used to respect the parliamentary traditions which mitigate this danger. But they don’t anymore.

Certainly in Canada the Prime Minister and his Office have dictatorial power. The Governor General, Senate and Opposition in our House of Commons have no real power to say no to a parliamentary majority Whipped by the ruling party. Do our courts have any power against this arbitrary rule? Theoretically they, or at least our Supreme Court, can declare a rule or law to be unconstitutional, but courts enforce laws, they don’t change them unless very extraordinary necessity is proven in court and judges are human too and vulnerable to pressure. Is a “rule” a law?

Is this the politics of advancing global totalitarianism? In that sense the "Pandemic/Covid" campaign would be the same as the "Global warming/ Climate Crisis". These are useful fictions whose very absurdity is the most powerful thing about them. They are both complete fictions and that makes them seem everywhere and nowhere, a threat nobody can grasp. Making people believe in things that are impossible to believe, irrational, crazy, this is the way to break people down. The world becomes unreal. People flee from the unreality into a dream of normality always just out of reach. If you are in the minority who notice that the fictions are fictions and you see the obvious fact that these narratives are globally co-ordinated you become isolated from all the people who want to believe things are normal.

What if 3 or 5 years pass by and just a few million people have gotten the real poison and suffered from it while most people are physically just fine, having gotten the far more effective mental and emotional and political poison and are now living the totalitarian dream of Normality like the human vegetables in Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Wouldn't that be the perfect way to discredit all of the critics who cried wolf over the C monster while inadvertently advancing global mind control? Silly old me, my family will say, where is that monster you screamed about? We still have our normality. All we have to do is always obey the rules.

Having surrendered your private medical information “voluntarily” and gotten the jabs you are now registered on a global database located in GAVI. You are hackable forevermore. So is your bank account. Are grocery stores “non-essential”? Doesn’t Amazon make going outdoors to buy food unnecessary?

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