A quick cake that you can bake

Here is a quick cake recipe that you can bake to satisfy your sweet tooth or to cater to an occasion that demands a cake. The ingredients are always around if you are a baker and it does not take much time. So, why not try to bake it?

In case you are wondering about an oven or an OTG which is basically an oven-toaster grill, you can also bake it in a pressure cooker without the gasket or traditional oven or just a kadai/wok.

The main ingredient you need is the patience to measure out the ingredients, mix them carefully, and do as directed. We humans sometimes tend to sway away from the recipe and it usually ends in disaster where baking is concerned. I have made this mistake and I am now careful not to overmix either.

Another thing to note is that all the ingredients must be at room temperature. It also means that if you live somewhere near the desert, room temperature could be really hot. It just means that the butter used should not be in a melted state. It should be soft. The eggs if you use them must also be kept outside the refrigerator for a while. Also, powder white sugar if using it. Sugar grains never work well. Some use brown sugar and pay a lot for it but it is just unrefined sugar. In the end, it's almost the same. Never cook honey as it could turn dangerous. I saw some videos where they baked the honey. This is a no-no. Following traditional recipes is the best.

if you are baking for the first time, do not be disappointed if the cake does not turn out well. It happens and you can always try again. Practice does make you perfect. Provided you do not lose the interest and passion to bake. Trust me, if you start to make cakes and it turns out well, you will never regret it. Also, it is better than buying cakes from commercial bakeries that use preservatives.

So, now to the ingredients.


Four tablespoons of all-purpose flour
Three tablespoons powdered sugar
One tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder
1/8 - teaspoon baking powder
A pinch of salt
Four tablespoons of milk, you can also add milk powder and water
One tablespoon of vegetable oil
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract/essence


Take a bowl and add the dry ingredients one by one. I made the mistake of adding it all into the mug itself and it became messy. If you add to a bowl, it will also help to estimate the liquid needed.

Add the liquid ingredients and mix it well and then just pop this into the microwave select high power and bake for two minutes. Do not worry about the duration because it is just enough. Too long and it will turn rubbery.
Take it out and let it cool. You can either slice it and add something in between like jam or cream or just sugar water or top it with ice cream or nuts or chocolate chips or sugar powder or sprinkles.

Gift idea - wrap it in a cake box and gift it to your loved one the same day itself as a microwave cake won't taste best the next day. The traditional cake-baking method is the best when it comes to taste but this is just a recipe to satisfy an urgent need for a cake or a sweet craving.

All images - own.

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