BREAKING: End of the US Petrodollar? What Next?

BREAKING: End of the US Petrodollar? What Next?

Download Mike's best-selling book for free here: Some massive news broke in the last couple of hours in regards to the US dollar - Join Mike Maloney and Adam Taggart in today’s video update as they discuss what happened, what it means, and where we could be headed next. Thanks for sharing and clicking that 'Like' button. For those wondering why our videos don't appear in their subscription feed immediately - we release our clips to our free weekly email readers first, then later we publish to YouTube. Sometimes it's just hours, sometimes it's a couple of days later. This is to encourage people to join our free newsletter - because one day, we may not have YouTube to rely on. Join our free newsletter list by going to and entering your email address in the 'Get Market Alerts' box at the bottom of the page. As always, thank you for your support. M.

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