The Unseen Opportunities

There are so many opportunities to establish ourselves on steemit. Opportunity as defined by the Cambridge dictionary is an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something. There are millions of opportunities all the time with varying difficulties in completing them. The onset of a new program brings to light easily accomplish-able opportunities that one needs to take control of and benefit a lot from.

I once had an opportunity which i regret letting it slide. I could be holding more than 100k in USD but i didn't see the potential early. I happen to have discovered raiblocks which is now nano very early. During the time i discovered it, it was worth pennies and one could earn it by just filling some capture work. I was able to accumulate just 79 raiblocks which grew to $2000 at its peak. Such is life. I didnt see the potential and played my game wrongly.

There are lots of similar opportunities on steemit right now and we are all taking it for granted. One day steemit is going to get to 100$ per steem or even more. Some of us will quit on the way and return to be holding just 10 sbd or steem. You will have just lost a huge opportunity. A lifetime opportunity of earning something substantial. Apple stocks was worth $0.46 in 1981. Those who saw the potential and bought in early now enjoy tremendous wealth because its now worth $168. Imagine steem reaching this height in 10 years time. Will it be worth it for you.
Apple Stock.jpg

There are many investments that one can make on the steem blockchain but many times, we let people decide for us. I was very excited to see a local international exchange being made. Steemfuse is a local international exchange where you can easily convert fiat to steem and vice versa across the world. This is an opportunity to get a slice of something which will be very huge one day. Buildteam, steemfollower, pal network and many more programs on steemit have the potential of exploding to the roof. They are young and one day will grow. You have to get your slice of the cake now that its young before the big guys come and take it all.

All these opportunities lie before us yet we cannot see. Prepare yourself by reading everyday to embrace your opportunities head on. Remember, if it is too clear, it is likely to be an expired opportunity. Grab on to something you can do best and make the best out of it. Enjoy your day with new opportunities starring at you. Byebye.

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