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Here a Scam, There a Scam, Everywhere a Scam...

Just like the meme says, there are so many scams out there, but not just on the internet. They are literally every where. Online, at home over your phone... From fake Microsoft tech support, to fake CRA and IRS phone scames, email scams, and so much more. The sad part is there are many people who fall for these scams, and end up losing their very hard earned dollars, and savings, and retirement money. These scammers are heartless, and really don't care, if they did, they wouldn't be able to do such things to others so easily.

The Microsoft tech support scam

This scam is created with a pop-up window, that tells the unsuspecting person that a virus has been detected on their computer, and Microsoft is shutting down their computer. there is a code and a call number on the pop-up. Once the number is called, you find yourself talking to someone who "pretends" to be working for Microsoft. Once thery have you on the line, they tell you they have to get into your computer to check it out and find the virus that's infecting your computer. They open a program that allows them acces to ALL of your computer, and they use fake software and scam tactics to make you believe there is more wrong with your computer then it really is. They are very convincing to people who don't understand their techno jargon and screen shots. Once they have "found" all these infections, they try to sell you a plan, usually ranging from 1 year, 3 years, or lifetime, all different prices, to "cure and protect" your computer. Of course the only thing wrong with your computer is what they may have done to it once they had controll of it. If you had just X'ed out of the pop-up window, all would have been solved .So if you fall for this scam, you will pay, and have just lost a lot of money for nothing. alt

The CRA or IRS Phone Scam

Since tax season is upon us once again, I though it may be a good time for to mention the phone scams. You will recieve a call, usually a voice message to call back a number telling you it is a problem with your income tax returns. Once you call back, the first thing you will be asked is if you have a lawyer, and then told there is an aresst warrant being issued to take you to jail, because it is believed that you have commited tax fraud. Some more gullible, or older people often fall for this scam, and fearing being arrested will pay an amount which they are being told, they owe the government. Often, if they don't have the full amount, a "settlement" can be reached, and the unsuspecting victim is told to go to a special ATM, one that deals in Bitcoin, or are told to buy gift cards, such as an I-Tunes card. First, neither the IRS (Iternal Revenue Service) or the CRA (Canada Revenue Service)calls anybody, unless you called them and they are returning your call. THEY ALWAYS NOTIFY YOU BY MAIL! They also will not take a gift card or Bitcoin for back taxes payments! Most of these calls are originating from call centers located in India, not all, but most. They use fake Canadian and American sounding names, but many have a thick indian accent. The authorities are trying their best to crack down on these scam call centers, but as fast as one is closed, it seems like two more open. alt

The above picture, is showing the arrest and take down of one group of scamming call center employees.

The Email Scam

The email scam has been around a long time.I can't imagine anyone who would fall for this particular scam nowadays, but there must be some who do, otherwise they wouldn't still be trying to pull it off. The usual tactic for this is that the unsuspecting person receieves an email telling them they have receieved a windfall fo money from someone, and you have to contact a certain person who will help you finalize the transaction. To finalize the transaction, you will have to pay a fee for the full amount of the funds to be released. All a scam.. No money to be had, only your money to lose! I've had money from people claiming to represent Melania Trump, telling me she was gifting money... if only!

Educate Yourself, and Research!

All of us need to educate ourselves on these scams. We need to not fall for thses scare tactics, the bullying tactics, and all the lies they tell us to get our hard earned money, because they have no hearts and even brag at times when they are found out during a call. there are all kinds of YouTube videos to watch, to discover their tactics, as well as a limitless amount of articles online as well. This is a video of a young Canadian lady who loves to call thases scammers and play with their heads. She is one of many who are now fighting back against these scammers. Go to YouTube, check out the videos, educate yourself, learn their scamming tactics. DON'T let yourself be scammed! This CRA scam was tried on me just a couple of months ago. I kept the scammer on the phone for almost an hour, just wasting their time. Finally I had enough of their bullshit, called them a few bad names and hung up. Do you know the bastard called me back? I called my phone service provider and had rtheir number blocked, not that it matters with these guys, cause they use many numbers, and I didn't think they'd bother call again, they are far too busy trying to rip others off to waste too much time on one person who knows they are scammers.

This scammer was caught and paid the price for his scamming!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :
