Can you guess the name of this bird?

In another vain attempt to get some useful shots with this Canon 75 mm - 300 mm telephoto lens I took @melinda010100's advice and plotted myself up in the garden and sat very still waiting for the birds to arrive so that I could photograph them.

It was a long wait as they dived in saw me and dived straight back out again but I got a photo of one bird over the garden fence as it sat in the tree next door and just looked at me. It must have thought I was some kind of scarecrow?

Imagine my surprise, nay shock, when I looked it up online and found out that it is an Eastern Wood Peewee? (Contopus virens)

Eastern Wood Pewee

eastern wood peewee.jpg

First question is what on earth is it doing here in the UK? This bird is native to North America and is distributed across the Americas. I'm baffled.

So I tried this photo below in the reverse image search and it came back as an American Bluetit?(Psaltriparus minimus)

American Bluetit?


That is definitely not and American Bluetit. So I tried this photo below. it came back as a Black-Capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)

Black-Capped Chickadee


Now this is getting bizarre. This is the last photo that I have to try to identify this bird. The search came back as a Black-Capped Chickadee again?

Black-Capped Chickadee


All of the photos are of the same bird which I have identified by guessing and looking it up 'in a book' as a Song Thrush. Plain and simple.

Google reverse image search got it wrong every time. The search results vomited up were all of birds native to North America and none of them migrate to the UK so what is going on here?

After careful thought and consideration I have come to the conclusion that humans are far superior to machines when it comes to things like this.

The 300 mm lens has got a pretty bad reputation for being unfocused when zoomed out fully and I can see why people have mentioned this.

It is true the images are soft and not as sharp as they could be with another much more expensive lens. The 75 - 300 mm is pretty cheap.

The takeaway from all this faffing about. When it comes to slightly unfocused images or partially obscured objects like birds. Humans win hands down.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it big G.

More in this series.
Angry Birds
Goldfinches in the garden

Category(Bird photography)
Camera(Canon EOS 70D)
f Stop(f/5.6)
Lens(Canon 75 - 300 mm lens)
LocationCambridegshire, England
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