Amazing Sudden Photography HD

Amazing wonderful Sudden click Photography....
As another terrific week in the photography world passes us by, we find Toad Hollow Photography searching points high and low online for links to the best resources to share here with everyone. This week's list features a comprehensive set of links to tutorials, special features, great photography and a set of really interesting blog posts. We hope you enjoy perusing this list as much as the Toad himself did in bringing this week's list to you.

Back Lighting: Shooting and Editing – this is a terrific and well-detailed tutorial that takes you through the key points and considerations when trying to take advantage of wonderful back lighting in photography. Ben Sasso does a great job of explaining the main concepts behind this technique and shares a set of terrific sample photos to really illustrate the key points.jhjhf.JPG

Simple Tutorial to Understand Curves in Photoshop & Camera Raw – this is an extremely interesting video tutorial, showing you how to effectively use curves in post-processing to manage shadows and highlights. This simple video shows you the various ways to use this tool and discusses how and when to apply the adjustments.

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