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Wealth & Success Part 3

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"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Many words are wasted in time that could be spent in action. Endless discussion of wealth and power brings you no closer to either. Speaking badly of those who have attained the things you seek only separates you further from them. Money does not come to those who call its name the most. Gossip's only beneficiary is the one being gossiped about.

Instead, use jealousy as an endless well of motivation. Do you see the wealthy and wish for their lives of luxury and affluence? Do you see the elite and wish for their voices that call the attention of millions? Use their headlines and successes as inspirational fuel that drives you toward the goals you seek.

Wealth befalls the foolish and the wise, but only the wise are able to keep it. A person who lacks an understanding of money's consequences is like a child prince who inherits a kingdom: a slave to whims, easily manipulated, and quick to fall from power. To attain riches but lose it all is far more painful than never having riches at all.

If you currently lack wealth, consider it a temporary blessing. Use this time as your prequel. Pursue knowledge and wisdom so that when money enters your life, you are prepared to face its responsibilities.

Failures are lessons that are hard to forget. When you have little to lose, a misstep is merely an error; when you have much on the line, a mistake can cause your downfall.