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Power & Leadership Part 2


"A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd."
Max Lucado

A leader cannot lead and follow at the same time. Followers seek riches and glory for their own satisfaction, focusing on their own desires rather than the needs of the people around them. Leaders look beyond the trappings of personal gain, knowing that their decisions affect the lives of all who look to them for guidance and direction.

True leaders give little attention to the shallow material pleasures that surround their palaces and offices: gold and silks are merely decorum to prove the prosperity of the people they represent. Followers seek glory and riches without the responsibility they carry. If you wish to lead, first you must cease to follow.

"If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."
J.K. Rowling

The soul of every human is equal but their bodies are never the same. Some are born rich while others are born poor; some are strong while others are weak. Equality is a mythical goal — striving for it is honorable but attaining it is impossible. Some will always be superior to others. Even the weak are stronger than the dead.

However, it is the duty of every human to treat each other as if all are at the same level, for every person has the opportunity to become greater. Those who are weak now can become stronger in time. Every person — regardless of their current stature or prestige — should be treated in a manner befitting their potential. The podium of judgment that looks down upon the weak is a pedestal that is easily toppled.