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Choices & Decisions Part 1

Photo by on Unsplash

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."
Mark Twain

The minds of the people are easily swayed by the pressures of hardship. Their decisions become clouded by fears that cause them to take actions out of desperation — actions they know are wrong but become easier to commit when their resolve has been chipped away. Mob mentality is a vacuum that pulls people with good intentions toward a destructive center, convincing them to do harmful things they would never consider alone.

When the voices of hundreds shout that the city must burn, it becomes harder to hear the thousands who quietly disagree. A leader cannot fall prey to the whims of the voices that shout the loudest, but must stand as a voice of reason in defense of the silent.

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
Thomas Edison

All great things are done through dedication. The builders of the pyramids began with a single stone and continued until every piece was in place. The skills of the most proficient designers were sharpened by the pain of their worst mistakes.

A person must look a thousand ways before choosing a direction, and walk a hundred steps before deciding which is the right path. Determination and perseverance can survive even 10,000 failures, and hope promises victory in the end.