A day like today: Gabo Nobel prize


Tells a story that, once, to a town in the Caribbean, an epidemic of insomnia attacked him and, suddenly, all the inhabitants were surprised, unable to sleep.

That epidemic put them, without thinking, with a surplus of eight hours a day that they did not know how to use. And then they started inventing stories to kill time.

But as the days went by, people began to lose their memory, and in order to continue in the world they could understand, they began to mark their names in all things: door, bed, goat, chicken, horse, wall, chair , clock…

And immediately, on the cow, a sign that said: "This is the cow, you have to milk it every morning so that it produces milk and you have to boil the milk to mix it with coffee and make coffee with milk."

But the reality would soon escape without remedy, when they forgot the values ​​of the written letter.


This is just one of the many stories of magical realism that pulsate in One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez, one of the great writers of the Spanish language.

Gabriel García Márquez, who decided, in good time, to abandon the right to dedicate himself to journalism, on a day like today, October 22, 1982, was being declared the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.

And since then, the readers of the whole world know that Macondo is a magical place of so much realism, that everyone, ever, there we have lived and hallucinated.

This story was originally written by my friend Ramiro Díez in his web page under the following address: http://www.radiolavida.com/ramirodiez/22-de-octubre-2/#sthash.O6Z6TamB.dpbs If you are going to use it, please quote our source and place a link to the original note. http://www.radiolavida.com

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