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Run, boy, run!

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Hello, my friends. So, today, I'm going to talk about something really different from what I'm used to post here, in Steemit.

It was a weird and horrible scene... I saw how some men almost kidnnaped a young boy. Yeah, I'm not kidding, I saw it today and let me say it was so terrifying, I was so scared!
I was talking with my mom and a friend of her at the front of my grandma's house, and suddenly we saw this truck driving really fast and then braked (with the copilot door open), but it was in a weird way; but when we looked closely to what was happening we saw a boy (around 13-14 years old) running like a crazy, like if he was about to get killed, no joke!

He was running so fast that he could even pass the truck sometimes, but when the truck was getting really close to him it stopped as if they wanted to catch him, and I believe that was the objective, to capture the boy.
We couldn't believe what we were watching... My mom's friend was praying for the boy, my mom was standing there in shock, and me... Well, I was shaking, scared and saying "Oh God, oh God..." I was pretrified there, I wanted to help the boy but I was so scared and you know... In my country you can't get involved in those type of things. I felt so bad and useless.

The boy could escape from the truck, thanks to God! but then the truck turn around and was getting close to us, and I felt all the heat of my body dissapear, I think I was going to pass out, for real. That's when I said "Mom, get inside of the house, now!" but as always, she never pays attention to what I said.
I got inside of the house and call my uncle, and my grandma because I was literally shaking, I felt like they were going back just to kill us, I don't know!

But then, my mom call me to go outside, my heart was pumping like crazy, my chest was hurting and I barely could walk; then she said to me "The men told us they were testing the brakes of the truck." and I was in total shock... THAT'S A FREAKING LIE! But what I couldn't believe it's that my mom believe them, I mean, that doesn't make sense AT ALL.
And yes, I know some people are going to say "Oh, you are judging those men without knowing the real story, blah, blah..."

I'm gonna tell you why I'm pretty sure what they said is a lie... If they were really "testing" the truck's brakes, why they always braked when they were near the young boy? WHY they couldn't even yell at the boy saying they were "testing" something and not following him? Because they never did that. Actually, when the boy was out of their sight, the copilot got outside of the truck and saw around, as if he was looking for the boy... Really weird, right?

That boy was running as if he just saw the devil! It's not okay to let that boy run in that way and not tell him something to calm down, if it's true they were checking something.
I don't know... I'm pretty sure about something, I won't forget this day and I don't want to go out alone! Oh no, I'm traumatized.

Thank you for reading my post and watch out outside! If you see something weird, just remember to RUN like a crazy, just like the boy did. Greetings!