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A painting that i just gave out to one of my patients for inspiration and hope titled “Close to You” with timelapse video painting included

“Close to you”

(16 x 20 inch oil on canvas)


Hello everyone, its been a while since i have posted, i have been full of inspiration and i just can miss out the opportunity to make inspiring paintings and my ideas are overflowing lately that i was busy painting and detoxing from all social medias, its a good way of learning more about myself and when my creativity flows i just can deny it, its been in my nature to create and paint.

I made this painting for one of my patients in the hospital, she Is quadriplegic and depressed, i like talking to her about art, and last week i decided to make her one, i just asked her to close her eyes and tell me what would be her ideal place to relax and what she wants to see while on it. She loves the beach specially sunsets and coconut trees, and she told me she want to see a boy and a girl together holding hands.

Today I surprised her with this painting and showed her the process of me making it. She was amazed and in tears to see this painting, she could not stop thanking me, and i was so glad that in my simple way that i brightened her day. I placed it in her wall where she could see it everyday. And i like to let her feel that i do really care and empathize on her situation. And to keep her inspired and motivated to continue with life with a positive outlook, times like these make me more inspired to make art specially when i see the glow in someones eyes when they receive my paintings.

Here is a timelapse video painting of my process

Im so glad that she loves the painting, and i hope that whenever she is depressed that she does not need to close her eyes to be in that special place, all she need is to look in front of her. And by the end of that day all we need is love and thats all that matters.
Thank you so much for viewing my art work, hope you can subscribe to my youtube channel coz i only have 2 people subscribed lol 😂 just sea h my name errymil and you will see all my timelapse video paintings
