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Because of You

The way you act and react today is mainly dependent on your mindset. This mindset owes its source to many factors such as background, faith, culture, peer pressure etc. it can as well be the interplay of these factors.

The reason some find it hard to be channel of blessing to others is because their mind is set on insufficiency. They are engrossed with the limitedness of resources and as such they believe everyone must fight for his or her own head. This attitude can succinctly be captured as the Rat Race.

The rat race system is the striving and straining that focuses on meeting personal needs for personal satisfaction among the human folks with little or no regard for others.
The underlying attribute in this undertaking is selfishness. It is all about “Me, Myself and I”. In a bid to win this race, self-pursuit, deceit, corruption etc are employed which eventually makes some and mar others. It is not a win-win situation and the strength of this endeavour is the fall of others.

Another contributing factor to the rat race pursuit is the sense of inadequacy and incompetency. This mindset is what breeds inferiority- the belief that I am not good enough. Some feel insecured with the way God created them and what they have thus devise means to ‘make up’. This invariably makes them get into the path of others and the struggle to outwit others continues.

Basically, lack of trust in God is the fundamental cause for the rat race that causes people to ignore helping others.

In order for you to be channel of blessing to others, you have got to be rest assured in God’s ability and capacity of meeting your needs as well as helping you to meet the needs of others.

I will request a favour from you. Kindly read and meditate on the following verse:
“Young lions may go hungry or even starve, but if you trust the Lord, you will never miss out on anything good.” (Psalms 34:10 CEV)

I trust God to help us press further on this in the next edition. Always remember that others can be blessed because of you. You can check out previous edition via:

Let’s keep praying for each other. I await your gleanings, comments and questions. You can as well bless others by sharing this

Remain Blessed
