Vodafone brings to the market a Sim-Card only for its IoT products

Vodafone seems to have become one of the first operators to launch a dedicated dedicated SIM-Card for its products in the European IoT market.

The calls "V-Sim", will be included in a standard way within the box of its electronic products enabled to work with the Internet of Things as of August 9.

"Over the next decade, the expansion of the IoT in the consumer markets will cause a dramatic change in the way people manage their daily lives, at home and in their free time," the company said.

In addition to our special network for IoT, Vodafone V will provide users with a general and intuitive overview of all the products that have been enabled for the IoT.

The configuration of each product requires only to scan a QR code, to register it and add it to the monthly rate of your existing Vodafone mobile account.

The new Sims cards will be able to connect to the Vodafone network in more than 32 countries, unlike the Wi-Fi-enabled devices, the V-gamma products will be constantly connected, they only need a signal from our mobile network.

Among Vodafone's gamma V products, we have the V-Auto, which can be connected to most cars and enabled for roads in all European countries.

This device will have an automatic SOS function, a GPS tracking function in case of theft or robbery, and a "security score" function to help younger or inexperienced drivers improve their sense and responsibility on the road. . It will be sold for less than US $ 100 and will have a flat rate of continuous connectivity of US $ 4 per month.

The Internet of Things is already beginning to transform the way companies operate ... Over the next decade, the expansion of the IoT in consumer markets will cause an equally dramatic change in the way people manage their daily lives.

V of Vodafone simplifies the connection of a wide range of devices enabled for IoT, helping all our customers to keep everyone safe and everything that matters to them. We hope to apply our leading experience in the IoT world to help consumers make the most of the next phase of the digital revolution, "said Vodafone CEO Vittorio Colao.

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