Why Customer Experience Matters A Lot And How It Can Help Retain Customers And Boost Sales In Any Business - Part 2


Customer experience can also mean user experience. A customer can purchase a product, software and end up having a very bad experience using the product… that customer would most likely not come back to buy from that business. When we talk of customer experience or user experience, we mean the feeling customers get or their experience when they purchase a product or service. The product can be anything from software, design, system, application etc. the term customer experience is mostly used in the tech world, especially in applications. However, customer experience encompasses all aspects of any business.

When a customer buys a product for instance, do they find it easy to use the product, what is the learning curve, how easy is it to access different aspects of the product… when a customer buys a software, how clean is the customer interface, how easy can the customers find different elements of the software, what is the learning curve. I have used so many software and I can say that some software pay very good attention to customer experience while some absolutely don’t and make it hell for the customers. Customer experience is a very crucial factor that every business should focus on because it is one of the key factors that retains customers but also help boost sales in any business.


In my opinion, customer experience is definitely in the top 3 of the most important aspects of business that every business most focus on because it was ensures whether a customer will become a recurring customer or not. No matter how great a product seems to be, when the customer doesn’t have a good experience with that product, that will most likely be the disconnection between the customer and the business. However, good customer experience most be present for any business to achieve success. Look at the top and most successful brands, they all have top customer experience even though their product might not be the best in the industry or might be very expensive.

Nike isn’t the best shoe manufacturers but the experience Nike users get from using Nike shoes it top notch that is why Nike customers can pay the premium price just for that experience. Same with Apple, they definitely do not have the best tech, but their customers do not mind paying the premium prices for the experience they get when using Apple products. When a customer has an amazing experience using a product, that customer would most likely become a recurring customer which means that the business has achieved one of its goals of retaining the customer. While there is money from attracting new customers, there is even more money from retaining old customers.


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