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Business Related Abbreviations and Acroyms

Business Related Abbreviations and Acroyms:



AA = Adverising Association

AAP = Affirmative Action Programme

ABB = Activity Based Budgeting

ABC = Activity Based Conting

ABI = Association of British Insurers

ABP = Associated British Ports

ACA = Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants

ACC = Agricultural Credit Corporation Ltd.

ACCAA = Associate of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants

A.D. -= Anno Domini (in the year of our lord)

Ad. = Advertisement.

AMPS = Auction Market Preferred Stock

AFP = Agency France Press.

APACS = Association of Payment Clearing Service

ARR = Accounting Rate of Return

ASB = Accouting Standard Board

a. a = Always afloat

a. a. r = Against all risk

a/c' acct. = Account

A/c = Account Current

Acc/Accom = Accommodation

Actg. = Accounting.

a. c. v. = Actual cash value

a. d. = After data

add = Addition /Additional

Adv. = Advise

a. f. b. = Air freight bill

agcy. = Agency

agt. = Agent

a. m. t. = Air mail transfer

a/o = Account of

A. P. = Accounts payable

A/P = Authority to pay

A. R. = Accounts receivable

a/r = All risks

arr = Arrive/ Arriving

arr/arrng = Arrange/ Arrangement/ Arranging

approx = Approximate/ Approximately

A/S = Account sales

a/s = At sight

asap = As soon as possible

attn. = Attention

at. wt. = Atomic Weight.

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